Google Mobile First Index – No Desktop Indexed Content – March 2021

Green mobile index, launched for March 2021.

A completely different Google update is coming up next year. The global company Google said that March 2021 is the date of the first index of sites that have a mobile version. Desktop sites (desktop only) will be removed, and m-dot sites may have errors. Google’s John Mueller has provided new information on the new Mobile First index. He says that this is a huge internal undertaking, which has led to some mistakes, which will not be removed.

The big news and most importantly is his statement that desktop-only sites will completely drop out of the index (will be ignored by the search engine). In addition, there are errors associated with m-dot sites and confirms that the date of the transition to a mobile index is fixed and is unlikely to change. And not only that, but all the images or other activities that are in the desktop version of a site will also be ignored by the Google index.

Picture on the screen of the virtual screen of RubCon Pro 2020 by John Mulep

What else does Mueller say:

„… We are almost entirely indexing the network with the help of intelligent mobile Google, which coincides much more with what we see.

And one of the things we’ve noticed that people think wrongly is: If there is a content on the desktop version, with Google, you will still see it, you will see it.

In fact, in the future we will only index the only mobile content.

So, if a given site goes to index with the priority of mobile devices, we will not be able to do everything that comes to us.

… Everything that is required to be indexed must be on the mobile site.

And the last time we invented is March 2021.”

Error in indexing on M-Dot

Of particular interest are the mobile sites, which are created as a separate version of m-dot. M-dot are sites that are hosted on a separate subdomain such as

Mueller said that for some cases, especially for m-dot sites, which use attributes. hrеflаng, Google may not be able to execute desktop user requests from desktop users. In these cases, Google will send them to the mobile version of m-dot.

It is not clear why Google will be slowing down the conversion of desktop users to desktop versions. He categorically replied that he did not see this citation changing the way.

Mueller regarding the m-dot site:

„One of the things about the initial indexing of mobile devices is that sometimes it appears, especially if you work on it or not…

When it comes to indexing mobile devices, it makes things a lot more complicated. So that we can process them, but what will happen is that we will index only the version on the site with m-dot and we can show it in this way.

We usually try to show the appropriate desktop or mobile version. Do not forget that the indexed content is … only the mobile version.

But in the case of m-dot sites, sometimes it may happen that we have only this version and, in fact, we have not noticed that there is a connection with the child. This is much more likely to happen if you have an m-dot and use a reflux.

The only solution is to make sure that you transfer your users from the m-dot version to the desktop version that they use.

And I don’t see us changing that in the near future or probably at all. “

Summary final words:

  • March 2021 is the hard date, when the sites for desktop computers will completely fall out of the Google index.
  • With m-dot sites, desktop users can be sent to the mobile version of the site. If you are one of them, it is advisable to find these buzzers and transfer them to the correct version.
  • Only the content, which exists in the mobile version of the website, will be indexed and ranked.
  • Make sure that the mobile version of your site represents the content you want to google on Google.
  • The content will be completely ignored.
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