If your website is outdated or no functionality needed to represent you to your customers…

If your website is outdated or no functionality needed to represent you to your customers, partners and suppliers, then you need an immediate revision of its website (redesign).

Studies show that within the “seven seconds” visitors decide whether to stay on the site and whether it provides useful information about them and whether they will do the job for which it was intended. Homepage of the site is the most important, it must clearly indicate what the site is and what can be done to it.
Customers appreciate a website largely on vision. If the site looks professional, increases confidence in the company.

Old, a bit unintuitive, dysfunctional and unprofessional site can seriously harm your online image and a good reason to take the “redesign”.

Graphics and information which is displayed on the homepage create an important first impression to the user. Proper design and presentation makes viewing your site re-visit it, to perform a service or purchase a product that they offer.

A well-designed web design shows high quality of your products and services also helps to build confidence in your visitors.
Then this promotion is for you, we at ITGstudio strive to be closer to our customers, the customers of our customers and their needs and desires.

For this reason we developed – Promotion:

“Redesign My Site – ITG studio Summer 2013”

Price: 200.00 lv.

  Note: Price is final and is for customers who have an active site (domain), and virtual private server (hosting). Promotion period – 01.08. – 30.11.2013.

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